New Owner Coaching

New Owner Coaching

As a new owner, you get to develop strategies, make decisions, and lead the company onward to achieve great things.
But after a short time, one thing becomes all too apparent.

It’s lonely at the top.

Our New Owner Coaching Program
can make all the difference.

Executive Coaching helps smart, successful people clarify their thinking and become more successful.

Our New Owner Program focuses on:

  • >  How to Lead (rather than manage)
  • >  How to Influence (rather than command)
  • >  How to Gain Commitment (rather than just compliance)
  • >  How to be Strategic (rather than tactical)
  • >  How to be Proactive (rather than reactive)
  • >  How to think Big Picture (rather than have a narrow focus)
  • >  How to make Good Decisions (rather than be impulsive)
  • >  How to be Business Savvy (rather than job savvy)
  • >  How to think Long-Term (rather than day-to-day)

Our Executive Coaching Provides:

AN UNBIASED SOUNDING BOARD – Every owner needs an objective, supportive confidant with whom to complain, vent, confide in, and talk things out, but most owners don’t have the right “sounding board”.  An experienced executive coach provides that sounding board.

OUTSIDE PERSPECTIVE – Outside perspective is essential as a catalyst for creative, game-changing strategic thought. Outside perspective is also necessary in order to uncover blind spots and move past them.  An experienced executive coach provides that outside perspective.

OBJECTIVITY – Virtually everyone around an owner has an agenda. They either want things to change, or they want things to stay the same. In order for a new owner to hone their thinking and judgment, they need someone unbiased to provide objective input.  An experienced executive coach provides that objectivity. 

GROWTH & PROFITABILITY – As a result of working with us, you’ll make better decisions, develop more effective strategies, and achieve greater growth and profitability.

Schedule a call to discuss your specific situation:

Eliciting Excellence

Eliciting Excellence

Portland, OR